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Wanted: Offending the Best President (15th Dec 22 at 3:05am UTC)
Wanted: Offending the Best President
"I hate to die!"! If you want to die, you'll be gone for a long time! "There are also people who say they want to die like her, to die obviously like Yiyi!"! Isn't it! Do you like Yiyi if you want to die? Qian Yiyi threw herself into his arms, hugged him tightly with both hands, and asked in a childish voice. But the fundus of her eyes sparkled with feelings of sadness that were difficult to distinguish. I want to.. Yohji. I want to love him. Xi Yaoshi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard her familiar childish voice. Then he reached out and hugged her gently. His forehead was against her head, and the fine gauze made him feel uncomfortable. He suddenly realized that her body was still very weak, and she had just woken up! "Go to bed first!" He said in a deep voice. Qian Yiyi hugged him tightly and asked persistently, "isn't it?"? Die! Isn't that right? "What is it or not?" Xi Yaosi was stupefied and did not react for a moment, but he did not know why. What is she asking? Something, isn't it? "Some people say to die like her, to die obviously like Yiyi!"! Isn't it! Do you like Yiyi if you want to die? Isn't it! Isn't it! Isn't it! Isn't that right? Qian Yiyi tried to make herself look like a child, repeatedly asking the three words "yes or no",magnesium sulfate monohydrate, but her heart was stunned at the same time as she opened her mouth. What the hell is she doing? To ask him such a question, so do not stop! Still have to get an answer! Didn't she approach him again in order to get another colorful glass smoothly? Why are you so obsessed with this answer at the moment! Qian Yiyi. You are so weak. You are so contradictory. You How can it be like this. Xi Yousi chuckled, reached out to hold her little face, and gently raised her little face to himself. And the clear light in her eyes made her feel at ease. I-only-happy-happy-you-! He said earnestly, word by word. Now,caustic calcined magnesite, you can't say love to her. She was still a child, and when she was a little older and a little older, he must tell her how he loved her. Qian Yiyi could not hide his excitement, thinking of his kindness to her before, his truth to her, he never wanted to leave her, even if he married Sang Kailin, even if she took the colorful glass away. He never hated her. Never.. Qian Yiyi couldn't stand it any longer. She cried out. She hadn't cried for a long time since he left and the family was destroyed. The only time I shed tears before was at the airport in Germany. That day, he married Sangkailin. This time, dap diammonium phosphate ,magnesium nitrate hexahydrate, she cried in front of him, but he only thought she was a child. Can be so desperate to cry, how long has not had things! At the moment, she did not want to think about hatred for the time being! She just wanted to hold the man she couldn't put down! Qian Yiyi raised his face and cried with swollen eyes, "to die!"! I like you, too! "Yiyi also likes to die!"! I love it, too! To die! She said, reaching over his hand. Tears fell on the back of his hand. Xi Yaosi suddenly felt the burning heat, but in his heart he was ecstatic because of her pure and sincere confession. Gently try her tears and gently kiss her forehead. I like you very much, too. Idiot Chapter 15 2: The Deep Truth Maybe she was too tired and tired, and then Qian Yiyi fell asleep soon after she went to bed. But in her sleep, she still frowned. It seems to be resisting something, and it seems to be struggling with something. He murmured silent words in his mouth, which made people unable to hear clearly. Xi Yaosi stood on the edge of the bed and refused to leave. He never wanted to leave her side again, and when she was well, they went to Germany together. He will marry her. He will live with her every day. Maybe when she grows up, they will have a baby soon. He will be a good husband and a good father. Qian Yiyi. Is it good.. Xi Yaoshi reached out to take her hand and pressed it tightly against his cheek. And his voice, through the blood in his hands, seemed to be able to convey all the way to her heart.
Qian Yiyi breathed heavily, but suddenly smoothed her eyebrows. This time, her voice was so light and quiet, but it sounded calmly, "Good." OK It's hard.. Mom She's so uncomfortable. Yiyi felt so tired. Mom She doesn't want revenge. But It's too late. In life, all expectations are just to avenge the murder of my mother that I saw with my own eyes! And the man? What about the man with the same blood in her body? Why did he run away alone at that time? Mom She hates it. Why He preferred to run away at that time. Let mom face it alone. A few years ago. Taipei, late at night. - "" ""- " The door was kicked and made a heavy noise. In the apartment, the silent man hurriedly stuffed a memory chip into the inner pocket of his suit. As if he had expected such a scene before, he turned his head and glanced at his wife and daughter. Wen Pei! Hide Yiyi! The woman quickly nodded and opened the door of the wardrobe. She picked up her sleeping daughter and carried her into the wardrobe. The little girl looked at them with big eyes and some fear. At this moment, her young heart is full of panic, "Mom!"! Dad "Yiyi!"! No matter what happens! Don't even come out! Did you hear that? Qian Geng looked at his daughter with a dignified look and snapped. He knew he couldn't come back! There is no good thing when you come back! I've tried my best not to go back to Taipei. Why do these people still pester them when it's so rare to come back and get together with their families? Brother Situ! Brother Su Zhe! He must keep the memory chip well! Even if he dies, he can't let them get it! The man looked at his wife,Magnesium Nitrate Fertilizer, his eyes were red, but he said in a deep voice, "Wen Pei!"! Here you go! I'm sorry for you and Yiyi! I'm leaving! 。
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